How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb

About The Album

  1. www.u2tour.de has published an interview with U2, it is unknown if it's u2tour.de that made the interview or if they have some other source, and Bono made the following comments about the album at large.

    You don't hear people talking about atomic bombs very much these days, do you? It comes from my father's lexicon. His generation would call it the atomic bomb, we call it weapons of mass destruction, but although everyone in the world is trying to figure out how to put the toothpaste back in the tube, ie. once you have this knowledge available on the internet, are we ever going to be safe? Even though that is a thought that's hanging in the air, in my head How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb is about my father, Bob, How To Dismantle An Atomic Bob. He died a couple of years ago, and his demise set me off on a journey, a rampage, a desperate hunt to find out who I was, and that resulted in a lot of these songs so, it's a lot more personal than a political record, I think.

    Sara L. Bechtel slbechtel@adelphia.net (28:th of March 2005)