No Line on the Horizon

Get On Your Boots

  1. From U2.com's Pitchfork video interview

    "Right now there is so much fear about the future, bleak economic times, people losing their jobs, people getting angry, and I'm pleased that our song, Get On Your Boots, opens with the line 'The future needs a big kiss' and I hope that our optimism as a band is the right tone for now, it is a defiant tone, and it's not naiveté. People used to think that our band's optimism was naiveté, that we didn't know anything about the world, that we were just four kids from the north side of Dublin who didn't know much about anything. And that was true, but we still weren't wrong about the world. The world is more malleable than you think. The world can change shape. You can kick it into shape, you can beat it into shape you can kiss it, cajole it into shape. That's an optimistic message." -Bono

    chris.taguchi chris.taguchi@gmail.com (15th of April 2009)