The Edge said it's about a woman beaten by his husband, and she tells him her feelings and hopes. Read the first paragraph:Nobody else here.... and Where do we go....
Karine Maucourt (contributed before the 20:th of February 1998)
I believe that this song simply is meant so show us how we (the inhabitants of the world), have totally comerciallized everything. See father Christmas with a begging bowl simply shows us how people use religious images, such as Santa, and use them for other purposes, (like begging) which he feels is wrong. Does love light up your Christmas tree proves that point. Many people today feel that Christmas is too commercial, and it's the gifts, not the love which make Christmas what it is today. The high road never looked so low is also there to show how it's usually the richer, upper class people who are the most guilty of this.
Tim Baker (contributed before the 20:th of February 1998)
I don't think this song has anything to do with the Irish-situation. I think, it's a Christmas-killing song. It's a song with the deep feeling that Christmas is false in our society. Tvo points are made: a) we are ignorant about the social need, and that means that Christ has left our neighbourhood. He himself was born in powerty, and his family are those who do his work, going to the poor. b) Christmas is just like a tree with electric lights on, something to be amused through in the dark days, but there is no passion in the relation to it. So it's a rather dark song with a very beutifull and light tune to make an annoying tension. And Bono sings to this to begin with, that we are all responsible for this situation, Christmas is what we made of it. And on the other hand he puts the harsh question - Does God not care? Has he left his mission? It's an open question, if a new sign from God would help us, but he indeed needs it. And he sings both about Christmas and his relation to the Church: Jesus in showbusiness and he can't get in the door. So he calls for change - some credibility to the Gospel. In the end he concludes, I think, that it helps a little to let the depressed feelings come out, so - "but I guess it was something to go on with". In a very negative form he sings about his longing for a true Christmas-love, a true answer from all of us to the Gospel, where Jesus is near to the ones, who suffers, who fights for justice, the ones who are hurted and forgotten.
Joergen Lasgaard lasgaardvip.cybercity (30:th of November 1998)
Putting together with all the other song's in POP (about our consumism obssessing society, and it's ethics and it's morals), you can really see that it's about the lost of faith of the modern people. First: You see that in the begining of the song ("nobody made you do it, no one put words in your mouth"), it talks about when a person do something that had bad consequences, since there's the benefit of doubt if God exist and the benefit of doubt of if in the end the person will be judged, he feels free to do whatever it's possible. Then the music explores what if God'd show his existence. Bono talks about people's faith on God and in Religion. When you feel abandoned by Him and rejects his existence, and live trying to believe that He doesn't exists and his morals shouldn't be followed, because it doesn't exist. And then Bono asks "...What if God send his angels? Where would we go?" Would we be better persons?
Matias (28:th of December 2000)
it's meaning becomes more clear when you see the movie City of Angels, for which, I believe it was written. And is a remake of *Wings of Desire/ Faraway, So Close!
Chris Taguchi ( 3rd of June 2008)